Tuesday, October 29, 2013


As.net is a technology providing set of specifications to words web based application development, this technology come with .net
Asp.net supports different types of applications
·        Normal web application webpage towards pc based brewers
·        Mobile web application webpage towards mobile device micro browsers
·        Web Services developing business logic towards b 2 b implementation
·        AJAX web application developing web page with AJAX specifications this will avoid complete page submission and reloading webpage.
Page directive:-
Directive is an instruction to server it should be first statement with in webpage. Based on instruction server will do required processing
<%@ page language=”…” enable viewstate=”….” Theme=”….” %>
Creating asp.net page using c#...
<%@page language=”cs” %>
Response.write(“<h1> asp.net page using c#</h1>”);
Browse---------à page.aspx

Asp.net page execution [asp.net architecture]
Server system required 2 things for asp.net
1. IIS installation
2. net installation
.net installation will configure IIS with a library called aspnet_isapi.dll (internet server application programming interface)
Whenever the first request comes to the webserver. Server will forward asp.net page request to asp.net worker process using aspnet_isapi.dll
Ø  Asp.net worker process can be called as asp.net run time it will make use .net services to process asp.net page
Ø  Asp.net worker process will compile asp.net page into complied code in the form of DLL file, this complied will be serving the different client request, this makes execution faster & provides better performance.
Location of webpage dll with in server system->
C:\windows\microsoft.net \framework\version\temporaryasp.net files\

Webpage creation technique supported by asp.net
1. Design part
2. Logic part
In classic asp design part code and logic code will be placed into single file asp. This file will be shared by web designer and web developer this will create problems.
1.      Application development will become slow
2.      No security for logic part
The solution in asp.net is code behind technique
Asp.net supports 2 techniques
1.      Inpage technique
2.      Code behind technique

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