Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Asp[Active Server Pages]

ASP [Active Server Pages]
Asp is a technology comes with IIS in the form of asp.dll for server side code execution.
Asp comes with 2 things
1. Scripting languages towards server side
2. Collection of objects called “Asp objects” example:-response, request, session, application and server.
Asp page extension is .asp contains
1. Html tags
2. Client side code
3. Server side code.
Server side code requires unique identification
<%= statement %> it will be executed and result will be given to client.
Creating Asp page to display server system time:
Open a notepad
Server time: <% =time %> // time is the function of VB Script to get server time
Request object is used to read information which comes with client request
Response object is used to send information to client the information can be normal text, url, cookies …..
Page Submission:-
Client submitting data to the webserver is called page submission example registering user account, login entry etc.
Html Page----------------------------------------à asp page
Asp page-----------------------------------------à asp page
Page submission can be classified into 2 types
·         Cross page submission :- one webpage submitting to another page
·         Post Back submission:- webpage submitting to it self
<form method=”post/get” action=”asp page”>
Method attribute of form tag it will specify arrangement of data for sending to web server
Browser-------- Http request-------------------à Webserver
Difference between GET and POST
·         Get will arrange data with in http header by appending to the url
·         Post will arrange data with in http message body it will not visible
·         Get will support maximum of 2 kb data
·         Post will support large amount of data no limit
·         Get will not provide security for sensitive data like password
·         Post will provide security
·         Get provides faster transmission of data in 1 packet
·         Post provides slow transmission
Creating html page to submit data
<form method=”get” action=”validate.asp”>
username :< input type=”text” name=”t1”>
Password :< input type=”password” name=”t2” ><br>
Save as login.html
Created asp page to read data :-
Response.write(“welcome to “&uname)
Save as validate.asp

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